Movement has always been a matter of the heart for me. I have loved dancing since childhood, from ballet to contemporary dance and capoeira I discovered my love for yoga 15 years ago .
The first yoga teacher training was the beginning of a journey to more movement and awareness, calm and clarity for me. I discovered Anusara Yoga at a meditation retreat in Portugal and since then I have been continuously inspired and trained by Anusara Yoga teachers. In addition to yoga, I regularly attend and create workshops in the areas of Contact Improvisation, Body Mind Awareness, Somatic Movement and Acro Yoga.
For me, yoga means getting to know yourself better day by day and continually asking yourself: Who am I? And who would I be if I freed myself from other people’s expectations and the conditioning and patterns that I have accumulated over the years?
Yoga helps us to keep reminding ourselves that everything is flowing, in motion, changing and that we can be so much more peaceful with ourselves and others if we release certain thoughts, ideas and expectations and just live what is present right now.
My classes are inspired by the tantric philosophy, the universal alignment principles of Anusara Yoga and Yoga Therapy.

I have always felt the vision of the more beautiful world inside of me. In my early years this led me to dance ballett and move my body a lot, later to study cultures, languages and international development cooperation. When I started working in the field of political education I quickly realized that my wish to make the world a better place was connected to my inner world. This inner journey began by travelling to ecovillages and spiritual communities in different countries. In Brazil I discovered the beauty of connection with spirit that had until then been unknown to me. I came closer to my emotions, my heart and the messages of my body. This time was also the beginning of my love affair with mindful cooking and eating, yoga and meditation. I was digging through the layers of repressed feelings, belief systems and cultural and societal conditioning.
On my way to the new story of Interbeing I relapsed time and again into my belief that I had to perform and achieve something. I started working at a university and learned how much energy we are wasting if we don’t allow ourselves to be authentic and speak our truth.
Luckily there was always my intuition, my inner guidance that whispered „follow your heart“. So in 2019 I decided to move to Berlin and focus my energy on the transformation of consciousness through the body.
Today I call my work Embodied Transformation because in my experience we can only create the change that we can feel inside ourselves.
I love to explore taking steps out of my comfort zone and challenge others to do so. At the moment my focus is on the connection of inner and outer transformation and sharing my gifts to create the more beautiful world my heart knows is possible.
I love creating trauma sensitive spaces where we call in our highest potential. My work is especially inspired by Itay Ganot, Charles Eisenstein, Joanna Macy und Andreas Weber.
My Journey
Yoga & Meditation
2016 – 2017 Hatha Yoga Teacher Training 300h @ Yogaseva
2018 – 2020 Anusara Yoga Training and Assistance with Tina Lobe und Jana Töpfer
2021 Therapeutic Yoga @ Yogacircle Berlin
continuing training in Body Mind Centering, Contact Improvisation, Gaga
Meditation with Sally Kempton, Tara Brach, Ram Dass
Coaching & Self-Exploration
Heldenreise @ selbstbestimmt
Soul Entrepreneur Training with Britta Kimpel
Out of the Box Coaching with Ruda Iandé
Leadership Hoch 3 Coaching Journey
Embodied Intimacy Resource Training
Hosting cultural change @ Pioneers of Change
Trauma Healing & Embodiment
Embodiment Practices with Ilan Stephani, Philip Shepherd
Constellation work and Somatic Experiencing mit Anouchka Driesch
Sensing the change and Thomas Hübl
Ganz Sein with Catarina Skireki
Trauma to Trust – Embodied Intimacy Facilitator Training
regenerative culture and education with Pioneers of Change, ERDE
u lab – leading from the emerging future
Masters of Creation with modern mystic arts